Install dg printah
#Apt-get install vsftpd
Trus konfigurasi dengan perintah mcedit /etc/vsftpd.conf
Edit seperti di bawah ini/yang bergaris bawah
(hanya menghilangkan tanda comment/# aj)
# Allow anonymous FTP? (Beware - allowed by default if you comment this out).
# Uncomment this to allow local users to log in.
# Uncomment this to enable any form of FTP write command.
# Uncomment this if you want the anonymous FTP user to be able to create
# new directories.
# Activate directory messages - messages given to remote users when they
# go into a certain directory.
# Activate logging of uploads/downloads.
# Make sure PORT transfer connections originate from port 20 (ftp-data).
# If you want, you can arrange for uploaded anonymous files to be owned by
# a different user. Note! Using "root" for uploaded files is not
# recommended!
# You may override where the log file goes if you like. The default is shown
# below.
# If you want, you can have your log file in standard ftpd xferlog format
# You may change the default value for timing out an idle session.
# You may change the default value for timing out a data connection.
# It is recommended that you define on your system a unique user which the
# ftp server can use as a totally isolated and unprivileged user.
Ket : yang di perlu d edit hanya yang bergaris bawah J aj lainnya biarin aj
Setelah itu restart dengan perintah /etc/init.d/vsftpd restart
kemudian cek pada client windows, masuk windows explorer trus ketikkan ftp: ip yang anda pakai
DHCP server
Install dengan perintah Apt-get install dhcp3-server
Konfigurasi dengan perintah mcedit /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf
Edit seperti di bawah ini
# A slightly different configuration for an internal subnet.
subnet netmask {
option domain-name-servers tkj.com;
# option domain-name "internal.example.org";
option routers;
option broadcast-address;
default-lease-time 600;
max-lease-time 7200;
Ket: lainnya kasih tanda comment (#)
DNS server
Pertama install dengan perintah
#Apt-get install bind9
Konfigurasi named.conf
dengan perintah mcedit /etc/bind/named.conf
Kemudian tambahkan
zone "tkj.com" { =====è tergantung nama server yang anda
type master; pakai
file "/var/cache/bind/db.tkj"; =è letak zone file
zone "192.in-addr.arpa" { =====è ip yang anda gunakan
type master;
file "/var/cache/bind/db.192";
Konfigurasi zone file
Buatlah file dengan perintah touch db.tkj atau anda copy dari /etc/bind/db.local
Kemudian edit file db.tkj
; BIND data file for local loopback interface
$TTL 604800
@ IN SOA tkj.com. root.tkj.com. (
1 ; Serial
604800 ; Refresh
86400 ; Retry
2419200 ; Expire
604800 ) ; Negative Cache TTL
@ IN NS tkj.com.
@ IN A
www IN A
Buatlah juga file db.192 dengan perintah touch db.192 atau anda copy dari /etc/bind/db.127
Kemudian edit file db.192
; BIND reverse data file for local loopback interface
$TTL 604800
@ IN SOA tkj.com. root.tkj.com. (
1 ; Serial
604800 ; Refresh
86400 ; Retry
2419200 ; Expire
604800 ) ; Negative Cache TTL
@ IN NS tkj.com.
1.10.168 IN PTR tkj.com.
1.10.168 IN PTR http://www.tkj.com/.
seting IP
File konfigurasi d debian terletak di /etc/network/interfaceEdit dengan perintah# mcedit /etc/network/interface atau#vi /etc/network/interface
Masukkan konfigurasi ip seperti berikutauto lo
iface lo inet loopbackallow-hotplug eth0
iface eth0 inet static
address =====> ip yang akan anda gunakan
netmask =====>netmask dari ip yg anda pakai
gateway =====> gateway ip anda(biasanya ip paling awal)Untuk address dan netnask diisi dengan ip dan netmask jaringan anda.Setelah selesai simpan file tersebut dan kemudian restart jaringan# /etc/init.d/networking restartSelesai dech...
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